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Sakazuki is a strong and capable leader who has done well to consolidate the power and prestige of the Marines, Sakazuki would be best categorized as an extremist and highly dogmatic. He is an adamant believer in Absolute Justice and is ruthless in his maintenance of it, his derived motto being "Thorough Justice". He has a stern, dead-serious disposition, is grim, expressionless, and was the most ruthless out of three admirals pre-timeskip. This has given him a very fearsome reputation, but of greater concern is his dogmatism, which may end up making the Marines into a force that is worse than the enemies they hope to eliminate. Despite this disposition, Sakazuki seems to be able to restrain himself at times, having chosen to spare the life of Jewelry Bonney and her crew after they were left beaten and tied by the Blackbeard Pirates for the then-admiral to salvage, and letting his colleague Aokiji leave the Marines after he lost a ten-day duel for the position of fleet admiral. As the Marine fleet admiral, Sakazuki has command over the entire organization.


Marines respect him and use to call him "Admiral Sakazuki" most of the time, as opposed to his epithet. Nevertheless, his ruthless adherence to "Absolute Justice" has made his colleagues fear and despise him, especially Aokiji, who called him a fool for taking things too far. In turn, Akainu will easily kill any Marines who contradict his beliefs, as he executed a soldier for leaving his post in fear, and even made an attempt on Koby's life for voicing his objections for taking the war too far. Sakazuki is shown to have absolute loyalty to the World Government and is an extreme follower of their doctrine of Absolute Justice. When Sengoku stepped down as Fleet Admiral, many in the upper echelons nominated him to be Sengoku's replacement. Even though he is loyal to the World Government, he was outraged when he was informed that the report given to Marine Headquarters about Doflamingo's resignation from the Seven Warlords of the Sea was fraudulent. He even personally argued with the Five Elders concerning the matter. During that heated argument, Sakazuki criticized how much work they issued because of Doflamingo. Sakazuki even insulted, provoked, and mocked them, stating that they had been "walked over by the Celestial Dragons' puppets", testing his limits and showing that he does not agree with everything the Five Elders do. After Sakazuki complained to the elders about how Doflamingo's actions would make him look as Fleet Admiral, they retorted that Sakazuki's reputation does not matter to them. They also provoked him by bringing up his old colleague's recent acts. However, Sakazuki did not fall for their taunts as he told them that Kuzan left the Marines when he became fleet admiral and it has nothing to do with them. Despite his loyalty to the World Government, Sakazuki believes that World Nobles are not to interfere with the Marines' activities and vice-versa. Because of this, he was outraged when he learned that the report given to Marine Headquarters about Doflamingo's resignation from the Warlords of the Sea had been falsified by CP0. This caused a heated argument between him and the Five Elders, during which he accused them of having been overstepped by CP0, referring to the organization as the "Celestial Dragons' puppets". Sakazuki ate the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, control, and transform his body into magma. His magma is extremely hot and highly explosive, thus making it well-suited for combat, allowing Sakazuki to burn, melt, and destroy anything in his path in fact, among all Devil Fruits, Sakazuki's is said to offer the greatest attack power. Sakazuki's primary method of combat is transforming his arms into magma to launch burning punches (or clawed thrusts) that can easily penetrate human bodies, drastically enlarge his arms to throw forward giant magma fists meant to reach enemies farther away,and even launch multiple magma fists as a barrage of meteor-like projectiles, devastating the battlefield. Otherwise, he has been seen shaping his magma fist into a fanged dog head, as a nod to his animal motif. Beside the invulnerability of Sakazuki's magma body against all but Haki attacks, its heat has enemies heavily discouraged from coming near and striking him physically, lest they be burned. Also, his powers bestow him high maneuverability; he can melt himself through anything in his path, even tunneling through the very ground, and can briefly fly using jet bursts of magma to propel himself. Even for a Logia, this ability has great potential and power; when used excessively by Sakazuki for ten days, it warped the very climate of half an island, permanently rendering it a blazing inferno that embroils even the surrounding sea.

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