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As a young boy, he inherits his father's debts from the Yakuza. After meeting Pochita, he becomes a Devil Hunter for the Yakuza in an attempt to clear his debt. Once the Yakuza, under the control of a Devil, betrays him, he dies and Pochita becomes his heart. He now becomes the Chainsaw Man by pulling a cord on his chest. After meeting Makima, he became a Public Safety Devil Hunter. Following Makima's death by his own hands, he resigned from his position as a Devil Hunter but continues to fight as Chainsaw Man under the public eye, all the while being enrolled in Fourth East High School as a student. He is also the caretaker and adoptive brother of Makima's reincarnation, Nayuta.

denji and pochita

After Denji forms a contract with Pochita, his heart is fused with Pochita, a chainsaw cord forms in the middle of his sternum and he regains his lost organs along with having a muscular build. He spent much of his time wearing the standard Public Safety Devil Hunter uniform, consisting of a white shirt, tie, and slacks. He wore the uniform carelessly, his shirt wrinkled and sleeves rolled up. During Operation: Super-Smart, Denji donned a pair of fake glasses. After resigning from as a Public Safety Devil Hunter, Denji now wears Fourth East High School's uniform, a black buttoned longsleeved shirt (which he mainly wears unbuttoned) and black pants. If his chainsaw cord is pulled while he has enough blood for the transformation, then his head will morph into a demonic, mechanical shape with long, jagged fangs and a chainsaw handle on the back. Large chainsaws will emerge from his forehead, arms and legs, he is able to retract and extract any of them at will. If Denji's chainsaw cord is pulled while he does not have enough blood, then a chainsaw blade will partially emerge from his face. After losing his will to live and surrendering himself to Makima, Pochita takes control over Denji's body and reveals the true Chainsaw Devil, completely losing his human consciousness and letting Pochita take over. Prior to the transformation, his intestines emerge from his stomach and wrap around his neck, resembling a scarf or a collar. Once transformed, his body is black, looking to be covered with either armored plates or scales. He gains spikes on his shoulders and the back of his head, the handle on the back of his head disappears. He becomes much larger and bulkier, towering over the average human. His arms split at the elbows, each with two forearms equipped with their own Chainsaw Blade. 


denji the chainsawman


Physical Prowess

    Enhanced Human Condition: While Denji usually goes into his hybrid form when fighting, he was already very strong before even fusing with the Chainsaw Devil. In his human form, Denji is durable enough to survive being hit by Power with a hammer and getting squeezed by the Bat Devil, despite both individuals possessing immense strength. He is also very strong, being capable of decapitating a fiend with just one swing from his Axe.

    Enhanced Pain Tolerance: Denji has an impressive pain tolerance. He can remain conscious, even after having multiple parts of his body cut or blown off. He also has a powerful mental fortitude, being able to fight for three days straight while constantly being injured.

Hybrid Powers

    Hybrid Transformation: By pulling on the cord emerging from his chest, Denji can transform into a bloodthirsty Chainsaw Devil. Denji needs blood in order use his abilities, so if he does not have enough he can't fully transform and will instead manifest shorter and weaker chainsaws.
        Augmented Strength: Denji has enough strength to catch a thrown car out of the air without staggering and then throw it back with an equal amount of force. He can also destroy walls and hurt devils with his unarmed attacks.

        Augmented Durability: Denji withstood a point-blank blast from the Bat Devil that destroyed the building behind him. He also has survived multiple explosions and being on fire for extended periods of time. He can fall from great attitudes and punch Devils through walls, without receiving any injuries.
        Augmented Stamina: Denji was capable of fighting the Eternity Devil for approximately three days. As long as Denji continues to drink blood to recover from his injuries, he is essentially a perpetual motion machine.

        Chainsaw Manifestation: As part of his transformation Denji grows fully-functional chainsaws from his arms, legs, and head. These chainsaws are extremely effective at cutting through devils, being able to slice straight through the Bat Devil's arm. He is able to manifest short chainsaws under his feet, which he can stick onto walls and even walk on them.
            Chainsaw Retraction: If he needs the full use of his arms and legs, Denji's chainsaws automatically retract into his body. This has not been seen in his full Devil Form yet.

            Chain Entanglement: Denji is able to disconnect his chains from his chainsaws to wrap around his opponent's body. He uses this to pull them closer to him. If Denji's arms get torn off but are still connected to his body, he can still use his chain like body tissue to wrap his enemies around.
    Devil Transformation: After surrendering his contract with Pochita, Denji transformed into a Full Devil. In this form, Pochita displays incredible speed and strength, easily defeating multiple Hybrid-Devils in a matter of seconds. Though he has been shown to have taken damage, and even been slowed by being sent to Hell and blasted into Space, these acts merely delayed him for a few minutes before he returned unscathed. His immense power is further highlighted in Hell, where it is implied he defeated every Demon residing there. Makima stated that he has killed her 26 times in this form. The form seems to lack Denji's personality and awareness, though it has been shown to retain some memories and frequently acts in accordance with them. After defeated by Makima to save Kobeni and later rescued by Power, Denji transformed back to normal and regained his consciousness.

    Blood Consumption: Denji is able to heal completely from nearly any fatal injury, and in some instances recover from death, so long as he consumes a sufficient amount of blood. After losing his arm to Bat Devil, Denji's arm re-attached itself after he received a blood transfusion. With his fight against Santa Claus, he consumed one of her doll's blood to keep fighting while still being on fire. As a full Devil, he regenerated from just his heart after Pochita threw it from space. After noticing this method to regenerate, he is able to remove Pochita from his body and regenerate it as a separate entity which allowed him to foul Makima.

        Nigh-Immortality: Due to being a hybrid, Denji is immortal and nearly unkillable. He can survive getting shot, being thrown from buildings and take all kinds of injuries that would kill most devils. Even if he dies, as long as someone pulls the cord on his chest, Denji can come back to life in perfect condition. Even after being decapitated, being cursed by the Curse Devil and having most of his body blown up, Denji still managed to come back to life with no lasting damage.

Devil Contracts

    Chainsaw Devil Contract: In exchange for living a "normal life", Pochita became Denji's heart and turned him into a hybrid. All of his hybrid abilities are originated from this contract.
    Blood Devil Contract: In exchange for finding reincarnated Blood Devil and befriending with them, Power gave all of her blood to revive Denji.

        Blood Chainsaw: Thanks to blood gained from Power, Denji is able to manifest a chainsaw from her blood. It has similar design of Power's horns. By using her blood manipulation ability, Denji is able to disturb regeneration of Makima which allowed him to defeat her.


    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Even without his transformation, Denji is a capable unarmed and armed fighter. Against the Leech Devil- which was many times his size and weight- he was able to easily block her blows, whilst delivering punches and headbutts with enough force to damage her. His skills improved further after training with Kishibe, in which he learnt to rely more on strategy instead of blind-strength.

        Strategic Intelligence: Despite never receiving a proper education, Denji is very perceptive being able to notice his enemies weaknesses and how to exploit them. He managed to incapacitate Reze, by using her weakness against water and defeat Santa Claus by abusing her weakness towards fire and light. He also managed to defeat the Katana Man by aplicating what he learned from Kishibe and deceived him by falsely claiming that he only had left the chainsaw of his head when he also had one in his leg.

    Swimming: After meeting Reze, Denji learned how to swim. He managed to use this skill to his advantage during his fight against her.

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