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Prior to being instated into CP0, he was a member of CP9, operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg. While undercover, he acted as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One, specializing in mechanics, diagnostics, and housecalls. After CP9's defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates, he and the rest of CP9 were dismissed by Spandam. For unexplained reasons, he was later reinstated and promoted to CP0. Despite his role as a villain, Kaku is surprisingly honest, even to his enemies and even more so than Fukurou, though he does not seem to take insults well. As soon as his hybrid (giraffe/human) form was mocked, he sliced the Tower of Justice in half, in a rage of embarrassment. He also talks like an old man, as remarked by several characters, despite being only 23 years old. He uses the term "washi" (meaning I, though used mainly by elders), rather than ore (also meaning I, a masculine term used by young adults). In the FUNimation dub, he instead uses old fashion slang words, such as skedaddle and whippersnapper. After being revealed as one of the Water 7 CP9 agents, Kaku's personality becomes rather cold and dispassionate in contrast to his character on Water 7, where he was mainly seen laughing and smiling. Despite this, he often taunts his opponents during battle, ate a Devil Fruit for the fun of it, and exclaimed "This is fun!" during his life-and-death battle with Roronoa Zoro. He also seems to place a chance to fight over easy accomplishment of a mission; when Zoro and Sogeking were cuffed together, he wished to help them, so he would not be forced to share his target with Jabra. When neither agent had the key, both agreed that the prey was up for grabs. Kaku showed great sportsmanship after his defeat, where he laughed at Zoro's comment of working in a zoo. He also remarked "too bad" when Zoro passed Paulie's message of "you're fired" and handed over his key without Zoro having to say a word. He also appeared to be the only one of the four members undercover in Water 7 who expressed some regret that he could not go back to the way he had been living for the last five years. Kaku has apparently not changed in disposition after the timeskip as demonstrated by his cold justification for Saint Charlos' attempts to enslave Shirahoshi. He states it is necessary for the sake of global peace and the lower ranking royal families should be wise not to oppose the Celestial Dragons. 


cipher pol agent kaku

Abilities and Powers

As the second strongest member of CP9 and a current member of CP0, considered the strongest intelligence organization, Kaku is a formidable and valued agent of the World Government.

Kaku can also function as a lie detector. He demonstrated the ability to tell whether something is true or not by feeling a person's wrist and then tell the truth by determining the speed of the person's pulse.

Physical Abilities

From his training as a Rokushiki master, Kaku has worked hard to develop his immense physical power since childhood, and could match the formidable Roronoa Zoro in terms of strength. He has tremendous speed and agility, being able to move incredibly fast and leap from buildings from amazing heights and distances without a scratch, showing tremendous leg strength. His jumping abilities earned him the nickname "Mountain Wind"  during his time in the Galley-La Company.

Tactical Skills

He is a skilled and creative combatant, as despite having no previous experience with a Devil Fruit, he managed to hold off Roronoa Zoro largely by making up techniques on the spot, such as folding himself into a cube, using his nose as a battering ram, or using his neck as a Rankyaku medium. A highly intelligent and cunning individual, Kaku was able able to become a master shipwright within a 5-year period merely as a form of espionage and surveillance over his "boss" Iceburg. He is also skilled at developing or masquerading with personalities: ranging from fun-loving and almost childish to cold and ruthless (the former seems to be his true mentality, while the latter is a product of his assassin occupation)


Since Kaku worked as a shipwright during his mission in Water 7, this means he has gained masterful carpentry skills to the point that he was seen as one of Galley La's best shipwrights. Since he was an evaluator, he has great knowledge about ships. He evaluated the Going Merry[31] and explained to the Straw Hats the reasons why it cannot be repaired. Like Rob Lucci, a testament of his skills is that he was able to achieve them in five years while others spent their whole life growing their skills, and that this was an undercover job. He was also able to recognize the real Pluton blueprints even when Franky was flipping through the pages quickly.


    Further information: Rokushiki

Kaku is extremely proficient in all six forms of Rokushiki, but his expertise seems to be in Rankyaku, due to his many variations of the technique. When used in conjunction with his Zoan-type Devil Fruit, his Rankyaku was capable of slicing apart a massive tower and deflecting blows that can cut through steel. His Tekkai was potent enough to withstand Zoro's Kokujo: O Tatsumaki (though he noted its strength), which he had previously used to slice through several stone floors and overpower one of the fish-men, who are, on average, ten times stronger than ordinary human beings. With a Doriki of 2200, he is the second strongest assassin in his generation of CP9, which is said to be by far the strongest in the organization's history.


    Further information: Four Sword Style

He is also the most proficient swordsman of CP9,[36] being able to use two giant chisels as makeshift swords when he clashed with Zoro in Iceburg's room. During his battle against Zoro in Enies Lobby, Kaku revealed that he is a user of Four Sword Style, literally meaning "Four Swords Style") by using two Shirasaya katanas (or shikomizue) and both legs (with Rankyaku), an unorthodox Gentle Blade Swordsmanship that emphasis lightning fast coordination and sheer speed to overwhelm his foes. He wielded both of his swords in reverse, similar to Strawberry and Doma. His overall sword skills are great enough to hold his own against Zoro, a powerful master of Three Sword Style, and even overwhelmed him on certain points during their fight.
Devil Fruit

Kaku's full giraffe form.

When he returned to Enies Lobby, Kaku ate the Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit given by his boss, Spandam, which allows him to transform into a giraffe-human hybrid and a full giraffe at will, massively increasing his strength, weight, and durability, while also lending him the benefits of unusual features, such as the greater reach afforded by the long neck of a giraffe. As Kaku ate the fruit just after the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at Enies Lobby, he did not have much control over it, as shown when displayed his Devil Fruit powers to Zoro, accidentally transforming into a full giraffe when he intended to change into his Human-Beast Form. Jabra even laughed at the fact that he turned into a giraffe.

When in Beast or Human-Beast Form, he can make further use of Rankyaku, as he gains two additional legs. The power of his Rankyaku is also increased, as seen when he used Rankyaku: Amanedachi to slice through the Tower of Justice, which he and Zoro were fighting in.

His Human-Beast Form also has a square-shaped nose and limbs because of the shape of Kaku's nose while in human form. With this trait and his high speed, he created a more powerful version of Shigan, the Bigan, by withdrawing his long neck into his body and then firing it at his opponent, which was powerful enough to create a large shockwave, and, after being deflected, retain enough momentum to punch a square hole clean through a boulder.
Kaku's new form was very unusual to him, as he was testing the new form out on Zoro. All his transformations, including the "Square Form", used the same move, and even Zoro remarked that the move Kaku was using was extremely repetitive.

During his disguise as a shipwright, Kaku uses a variety of pavers/chisels as projectile weapons.

    Further information: Haki

Kaku possesses the ability to use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.

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