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Stussy is an agent of CP0. In her cover as an emperor of the Underworld, she operates under the epithet of the "Queen of the Pleasure District". Stussy appears younger than her actual age, with short curly blonde hair, blue eyes, red lipstick, and red-painted fingernails. As an agent of CP0, she wears a uniform consisting of a white dress with a pink necktie, white matching cape and gloves. She also dons fishnet stockings with fluffy rims and a garter belt. When she attended the recent Tea Party as an emperor of the Underworld, she wore a backfree salmon colored dress with a purple end, with pink diamond patterns on the bottom, a small white cape, a sunhat with a flower on it, and high heels shoes with ribbons on top. She also carried a pink handbag with her. As a CP0 agent, she wears a mask in the form of a hood that covers the head and eyes, resembling an owl. Unlike her occasionally more hostile fellow emperors, Stussy appears to be a polite woman and disapproves of insults being thrown around. However, she is sensitive about her age and can get violent if it is brought up. When her real self was revealed, she possesses a sadistic side which was shown when she shot down Du Feld, even stating she will have him take the blame for her actions. She also threatened an eavesdropping Morgans to create a fake story in order to cover up her and the World Government's actions. 



Abilities and Powers

Stussy has incredible infiltration skills, being a secret agent of CP0 who climbed the ranks of the Underworld until becoming one of its emperors. As such, Stussy has some degree of power over it, and she is important enough to be invited to the Emperor Big Mom's tea parties. She was also instinctive enough to notice Morgans eavesdropping on her.

Stussy also possesses considerable willpower, as she was able to withstand a Haoshoku Haki blast from Big Mom.

Physical Abilities

Being a member of CP0, the strongest of Cipher Pol, Stussy possesses superior superhuman strength. With a single finger thrust, she can produce a concentrated shockwave powerful enough to pierce Du Feld, a large man, from a considerable distance, knocking him unconscious.


As a member of Cipher Pol, Stussy has fully mastered the Rokushiki martial arts. She can use Tobu Shigan, a more powerful variation of Shigan, to pierce Du Feld from a distance, and was also shown using Geppo to escape the collapsing chateau.


    Main article: Haki

Stussy possesses the ability to use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.

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