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One Piece 1085: The Will of D.

1085 Chapter begins where last chapter left off, Imu revealed themselves in front of Cobra and the five elders. Imu is still a silhouette, Cobra is still in shock at what he’s seeing but notices the gorosei are kneeling

Imu asks Cobra if he really wants to know what the will of D is, Cobra confirms that the letter passed down along the nefetari family holds such information but he wanted to test the gorosei himself.

Imu is not surprised by this as they even mention Lili was characteristic of doing such a thing.

Cobra demands to know what happened to Lili and Imu declares “Lili failed and couldn’t even stay loyal to a friend despite craving their help in a time of need”.

Cobra doesn’t understand this and asks foe elaboration but Imu has had enough and gets up off the throne and walks towards Cobra.

At this point, however, Sabo barges into the room at views what is unfolding.

Imu stares at Sabo and is reminded of a person they once knew presumably (we see the person and they look alot like Sabo).

Cobra’s wheelchair turns to particles leaving Cobra on the ground.

Imu, the gorosei, and Sabo all stand over Cobra, take off their pants and run a train on him. Imu grunts and utters “Bet the letter didn’t say anything about this will of D” They all continue to rail Cobra and give him backshots.


Here are five interesting trivia facts about the "Will of D" in the One Piece series:

  • The Hidden Meaning: The "D" initial in the "Will of D" stands for "Dawn." The exact meaning of the initial remains a mystery in the series, but it has been hinted that it represents a significant event or era that will bring about a major change in the world.

  • Ancient History Connection: The "Will of D" has connections to the Void Century, a mysterious period in One Piece history. It is believed that the "D" lineage played a pivotal role during this time and holds knowledge about the void century's missing history.

  • Inherited Will: The "Will of D" is passed down through generations, indicating a bloodline that carries this unique trait. Many prominent characters in the series, such as Monkey D. Luffy, Gol D. Roger, and Portgas D. Ace, bear the "D" initial.

  • Grand Line Involvement: The "D" clan has a profound impact on the Grand Line, the most dangerous and adventurous sea route in the One Piece world. Many powerful and influential individuals from the "D" lineage have made their mark on the Grand Line, shaping its history.

  • Mysterious and Fateful: The "Will of D" is often associated with individuals who possess a strong sense of adventure, freedom, and a willingness to challenge the established order. Characters with the "D" initial tend to have a fateful encounter with destiny, becoming key players in major events and shaking the world to its core.

  • These trivia facts highlight some intriguing aspects of the "Will of D" in the One Piece series. However, it's important to note that the full extent and true nature of the "Will of D" are still shrouded in mystery and are yet to be fully revealed in the story.

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