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Being the assigned navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami is responsible for evaluating the direction that the ship goes as they sail further into the sea. Nami also tends to act as the crew's de facto treasurer, managing the crew's money and allocating spending money whenever they arrive at a new location. Nami is an accomplished and agile polearm user. Knowing she lacks the raw strength of most of her crewmembers she uses her cunning and specially designed weapons to combat opponents who are her physical superiors. While she tries to avoid combat as much as possible, when the need arises Nami gives her all in battle and has defeated some fearsome fighters.

The Cat Burglar

Besides Sanji, the crew's trained chef, Nami is also the only crew member known to possess even basic cooking knowledge (likely learned from Bell-mère). Prior to Sanji joining the crew, Nami agreed to cook for a fee, and in his absence, she reprises this role. Initially, she went back to charging money to perform this service, but after Luffy disastrously chooses to cook for the crew in order to avoid paying her most of his allowance, she has agreed to cook free of charge, she was able to cook a delicious fish by following one of Sanji's recipes left behind in the Thousand Sunny. Nami possesses a strong enough will to be able to withstand a burst of Big Mom's Haoshoku Haki. Nami is a highly skilled navigator and an extremely talented cartographer. Arlong considered her skills on par with the fish-men "superiority" since they were superior to any fish-man's. When Luffy destroyed her room at Arlong Park, both bathymetric and geographic maps were seen, proving that Nami has a wide variety of cartographic skills. Apart from her navigational skills, Nami has also proven herself to be an excellent thief and a master pickpocket. She is able to take small items, such as keys, without her victims noticing, a skill she honed from a young age. Her most notable thieving feat was shown just before she left her village. At the harbor, she stole numerous wallets from the villagers saying goodbye to her while she was running past them, and among the villagers and the Straw Hats, plus Johnny and Yosaku, no one noticed until she revealed what she had done.

Emily Rudd As Nami

In the One Piece live-action series, Emily Rudd plays Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hats who can predict the weather. Nami is also a mercenary because of the influence of Arlong who controls her hometown, Kokoyashi village. Even though Arlong has been defeated, Nami's love for Belly never goes away. Emily's beautiful face with short hair makes her look suitable as Nami. At the beginning of this live-action series, a new story will likely run in the East Blue plot where Luffy will meet several pirates such as Buggy, Kuro, Alvida, Arlong, and Don Krieg.

She now uses this skill to steal from other pirates, and occasionally government employees, more often than not sneaking aboard their ship or base and taking all their valuables while they are distracted by some fight. Her skill at thievery has even been recognized by the World Government and has earned her the epithet "Cat Burglar".

Here are some trivia facts about Nami:

  • Nami's name means "wave" in Japanese, which is fitting as she is a navigator.
  • Nami is skilled at cartography, which she uses to create detailed maps of the various locations the Straw Hat Pirates visit during their journey.
  • She was originally a member of the villainous Arlong Pirates, but later joins the Straw Hat Pirates after they defeat the Arlong Pirates and free her hometown of Cocoyasi village.
  • Nami is one of the strongest characters of the straw hats when it comes to fighting. She uses a Clima-Tact, a weapon that allows her to control the weather.
  • Nami is often considered to be the "brain" of the Straw Hat Pirates and often serves as the voice of reason when the crew gets into trouble.
  • Nami's backstory, particularly her traumatic childhood, is one of the main focus of the series. Her mother died, her village was being extorted, and she was forced to work for the Arlong Pirates for 8 years, where she plotted to take revenge.
  • Nami is one of the most popular character among the series fanbase.
  • Nami's voice actress in the Japanese version is Akemi Okamura and the English version is by Caitlin Glass.

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